Privacy Policy

Last Updated: August 31, 2024

Welcome to MovieOrca’s Privacy Policy, where we break down the nitty-gritty of how we handle your data. Grab some popcorn, because this is about to get… well, as exciting as a privacy policy can get.

1. What We Collect (Spoiler: Not Much)

We’re not data hoarders. We collect:

  • Basic account info: Your email, username, and password (encrypted, because we’re not animals).
  • Viewing history: So we can recommend more stuff you’ll love (or hate-watch, we don’t judge).
  • Technical info: IP address, device type, browser. Boring stuff, really.

2. How We Use It

We use your data to:

  • Keep MovieOrca running smoother than a freshly waxed dolphin.
  • Recommend content. (No, we won’t tell anyone about your secret “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” binge.)
  • Improve our service. (Yes, we’re always trying to be better. It’s exhausting.)

3. What We Share (Plot Twist: Almost Nothing)

We don’t sell your data. Period. We’re not that kind of site. We might share data:

  • If the law says we have to. (We’re rebels, but not that rebellious.)
  • With our service providers. (They’re contractually obligated to keep your secrets.)
  • If we merge with another company. (But we’d let you know first, we’re not monsters.)

4. Your Rights (You’ve Got the Power)

You can:

  • Access your data
  • Correct your data
  • Delete your data
  • Object to our use of your data
  • Take your data elsewhere

Just email us at We’ll get back to you faster than you can say “binge-watch.”

5. Security (Fort Knox, But for Data)

We protect your data like it’s the last slice of pizza at a party. We use encryption, secure servers, and really strong passwords. (No, not “password123”.)

6. Cookies (The Digital Kind, Not the Delicious Kind)

We use cookies. They help us remember you and your preferences. You can control cookies in your browser settings, but if you disable them, some parts of MovieOrca might start acting weirder than a David Lynch film.

7. Changes to This Policy

We might update this policy sometimes. We’ll let you know if we do. Check back occasionally, or just trust that we’re not up to anything nefarious.

8. Contact Us

Questions? Concerns? Want to discuss the metaphysical implications of streaming media? Hit us up at

Remember, by using MovieOrca, you’re agreeing to this policy. If you don’t agree, well… there’s always interpretive dance as a form of entertainment.

Stay awesome, and happy streaming!