Contact Us

Hey there, movie mavens and TV titans! So you want to reach out to the coolest streaming site this side of the seven seas? Well, you’ve swum to the right place!

Drop Us a Line

Got a question? Suggestion? Or maybe you just want to share your thoughts on why “The Room” is secretly the greatest movie ever made? (Spoiler: it’s not, but we respect your opinion.) Whatever’s on your mind, we’re all ears… or whatever the orca equivalent of ears is.

(Yes, it’s a real email. No, it won’t lead you to a secret underground lair.)

FAQ (Frequently Awesome Questions)

Before you reach out, check out our FAQ page. We’ve answered all the burning questions like “Is MovieOrca really free?” (yes), “Can I watch on my toaster?” (probably not), and “Will watching too many movies turn me into a couch potato?” (results may vary).


Love us? Hate us? Think we should add a category just for movies starring talking animals? We want to hear it all! Your feedback helps us make MovieOrca even more fin-tastic.

Feedback Form: MovieOrca Feedback

Business Inquiries

If you’re a bigwig in Hollywood looking to chat business, or if you’re a Nigerian prince looking to share your fortune, hit us up at

Note: We cannot guarantee a response to Nigerian princes, but we appreciate the thought.

Emergency Contact

If MovieOrca suddenly disappears and you find yourself in the throes of streaming withdrawal, please contact your nearest therapy group for binge-watchers. We cannot be held responsible for any popcorn-related meltdowns.

Remember, we’re just a click away. Unless the internet is down. Then we’re… well, you’re on your own. May the streaming gods be with you!